Below is information about special funds, besides the general operating funds, to which you may wish to generously contribute.
Ruth Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Ruth Nelson Scholarship fund honors the memory of a woman who served Zion for many years as the wife of a pastor and as a contributor to many of the congregation’s activities. Ruth also had a great love for children. The fund is used to support scholarships for deserving students in our Let Me Shine Christian Playschool and Preschool. Your contributions will help the school continue to offer more scholarships and will be greatly appreciated.
Our director, Barb Ballif, was contacted about mid-year by a student’s parent … who arrived in Barb’s office to withdraw her student. Her budget had changed and she couldn’t afford tuition. It was a tough decision for the family, and the parent arrived ready to sign out her child – who loved the teacher and classmates. But our director didn’t let the student go, rather was able to offer a partial scholarship from the school’s Ruth Nelson Scholarship Fund.
Over the past few years, the Ruth Nelson Scholarship Fund has helped many students with similar stories attend Let Me Shine. This year alone, $3,000 from the scholarship fund helped families experience Let Me Shine’s amazing Christian-based education. We need to build the fund back up so we can continue to assist families. Please prayerfully consider a contribution and drop it in the offering plate. All proceeds will go to the Ruth Nelson Scholarship Fund -- and to purchase a new big red six-seater wagon, as the current wagon will be “retired” this year.
Thanks for being part of this community. Thank you for your generosity and support! -- Let Me Shine Board of Trustees
If you'd like to contribute to the Ruth Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund, just make a note in the memo section of your check or via the online donation system. Thank you!
1980 Zimmer Organ Upgrade
At its fall meeting in 2013, Zion’s congregation voted to embark on a two-year $200,000 project to enhance, improve, and upgrade Zion’s 1980 Zimmer tracker organ. We now are asking you for a financial commitment to support this project. Zion is a musical church with a strong tradition of congregational singing and a thriving music program ranging from pre-school music to chancel choir to our Joyful Noiz and ZyJam youth groups. The Lutheran musical heritage is vast and inclusive. Within this project, we will be able to increase diversity and variety in the sound of the organ, equipping it to serve a broader range of musical style. The plan includes nine phases to improve our organ while preserving its sound and architecture. The work done in each of these phases will make the instrument easier to play, add more depth of tone, and will provide tones and stops not currently present. For example, the original design omitted string stops, analogous to now giving an artist yellow paint, where previously only red and blue were present.
This is a timely project because we have the fortune to have David Chamberlin as our organist. We likely will never again have an organist who is also a nationally recognized organ builder, who specializes in mechanical and tonal design, who knows our organ inside and out, and who is so well acquainted with our church.
No other musical instrument can lead and support voices in hymns, songs and chants as effectively as the pipe organ. Organ use in worship is part of a musical tradition dating back five centuries. Our organ, nearing 40 years old, is a treasure that belongs to all of us and these improvements will ensure its long life.
Along with its central role in worship, our organ also serves as a community resource. We can make the organ more attractive to the larger music community, to visiting organists, organ students, and Zion’s future organists. Its use for organ concerts and recitals by community members will bring visitors to Zion and increase awareness of our church, our programs, and our ministry. When Zion congregation committed to raise $1.6 million in 1997 to expand the building, the goal was not to change the facility unrecognizably but rather to allow us to expand our ministry, to be able to provide space for the preschool, to support Family Promise, to provide additional gathering space. In much the same way, additions and improvements to the organ will not change it into something unrecognizable but rather position it to provide better support for the congregation.
We hope you will prayerfully consider supporting the Organ Donation Fund. Click here to read the latest updates on the upgrade project!