What to Expect
Warm welcome. Meaningful worship. Genuine connection.
Where do I go?
Zion is located at 1070 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. We are located in the Foothill / University / Sugar House area of Salt Lake City, a few blocks south of Sunnyside Avenue and west of Foothill Boulevard. Our bell tower is a familiar landmark for the heavily-traveled Foothill Drive to and from the campus of the University of Utah.
Zion has parking lots on the north side and the south side. Parking lots can be accessed from Foothill Drive and 2100 East.
You can enter the church for Sunday worship from the main entrance (east doors) or the office entrance (south doors); both are ADA accessible.
CLICK HERE for directions to Zion.
Zion has parking lots on the north side and the south side. Parking lots can be accessed from Foothill Drive and 2100 East.
You can enter the church for Sunday worship from the main entrance (east doors) or the office entrance (south doors); both are ADA accessible.
CLICK HERE for directions to Zion.
Sunday Worship at 10:00 with Holy Communion
Our worship uses a form of the historic liturgy, a pattern of worship used by many Christians for 2000 years. Within that form, musical style often varies, and we tend to be relatively informal. Our worship services typically last about an hour or a bit longer.
Zion is a friendly and welcoming congregation. After you enter the building, you’ll be met by a person who will greet you with a friendly hello and help direct you. As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will offer you a program (we call it a bulletin). The bulletin will help you follow the service as it will outline the order of the service, provide congregational spoken parts in boldface print, and list the songs and hymns we sing with their page numbers in our red worship book.
By the way, come as you are. Some people wear their "Sunday best" while others are in T-shirt and jeans. It doesn’t matter.
Zion is a friendly and welcoming congregation. After you enter the building, you’ll be met by a person who will greet you with a friendly hello and help direct you. As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will offer you a program (we call it a bulletin). The bulletin will help you follow the service as it will outline the order of the service, provide congregational spoken parts in boldface print, and list the songs and hymns we sing with their page numbers in our red worship book.
By the way, come as you are. Some people wear their "Sunday best" while others are in T-shirt and jeans. It doesn’t matter.
What about my little kids?
We welcome children of all ages and we welcome the sounds and actions that accompany them. Children are invited to enjoy the carpeted space in the rear of the worship space. There are activity bags, hanging on hooks along the back wall, for children to use.
Check out our Kids Station in the same area, where young worshipers can find children’s bulletins, crayons, drawing paper, fidget toys, sewing and tracing boards, and puzzles.
Children are always welcome in the sanctuary, but if you desire childcare, our nursery, located downstairs, is available from 9:45 to 11:15 am.
Check out our Kids Station in the same area, where young worshipers can find children’s bulletins, crayons, drawing paper, fidget toys, sewing and tracing boards, and puzzles.
Children are always welcome in the sanctuary, but if you desire childcare, our nursery, located downstairs, is available from 9:45 to 11:15 am.
What is "The Peace?"
After the Prayers of Intercession, the pastor will say to all, "The peace of the Lord be with you always" and the people will say, "And also with you." At this point, the worshiping assembly "passes the peace" by greeting one another. You will see greetings from a simple, "peace be with you," to handshakes and even hugs between friends. We encourage you to greet the people around you in any way you feel comfortable.
How can I make a gift?
With gratitude, we receive offerings during worship to support the mission and ministries of Zion. After the Announcements, the ushers will pass offering plates through the pews. You are under no obligation to make a gift, but if you are moved to make a gift, you may place cash or a check in the plate. If you prefer to give online with a credit or debit card, you can scan the QR code printed in the bulletin.
What about Communion?
All, without exception (including young children), are welcome to Holy Communion at Zion. This is God’s table of grace. Come and be fed.
After the bread and wine are blessed, the clergy and lay servers come forward to distribute communion to the people. The ushers will let you know when it is your turn.
To receive communion, please come forward at the direction of the ushers, forming two lines in the center aisle. When you approach a bread minister, place one open palm over the other and hold out your hands. Once you receive the bread, you may eat it. Gluten free wafers are available upon request. Continue to the side to receive either wine (red) or grape juice (white) in an individual cup. If you would like to receive a blessing only, simply cross your arms in an x form across your chest and you will receive a blessing.
After the bread and wine are blessed, the clergy and lay servers come forward to distribute communion to the people. The ushers will let you know when it is your turn.
To receive communion, please come forward at the direction of the ushers, forming two lines in the center aisle. When you approach a bread minister, place one open palm over the other and hold out your hands. Once you receive the bread, you may eat it. Gluten free wafers are available upon request. Continue to the side to receive either wine (red) or grape juice (white) in an individual cup. If you would like to receive a blessing only, simply cross your arms in an x form across your chest and you will receive a blessing.
Do you have coffee hour?
Following worship, we invite you to the Atrium, a gathering space just inside the east entrance of the church, for coffee and conversation. This is one of our favorite times to be together and we'd love to get to know you better!
I have another question...
Ask us anything! We're happy to answer your questions about Zion, our ministries, the Lutheran Church - whatever's on your mind.