Hear Rachel call us to worship for Pentecost Sunday.
Join Pastor Steve as he welcomes us to worship and reads the Holy Gospel.
Join Erin, Scott, Jon, Rachel, Annika, Michael, Lauren, and Susan in a stirring rendition of Veni Sancte Spiritus. Veni Sancte Spiritus, originally published in 1570 is sometimes called the "Golden Sequence" and was composed specifically for Pentecost.
Join Annika and some special guests as she reads a scripture lesson from Acts.
Hear from Denny as he reads a scripture lesson from 1 Corinthians.
Listen to Zoe's beautiful rendition of Psalm 104.
"Different gifts from the Holy Spirit make us strong." Hear a Children's Message from Ms. Susan.
Hear Pastor Steve and the Holy Spirit give a sermon for Pentecost Sunday
Sing along with Zion as we sing "O Spirit of Life", ELW Hymn No. 405
Pray with Pastor Steve as we pray for our community, our leaders, our health, and for #GeorgeFloyd.
Pastor Steve sends us into the next week with a Benediction for Pentecost.
Join the 960 vocalists and 364 instrumentalists, including some members of Zion, from all across North America and the globe as they, in God's Spirit, sing "O Day Full of Grace."
Listen to our organist David Chamberlin perform a postlude for Pentecost, "Prelude in C Major " by Bach.
Listen to Rachel call us to worship for Ascension Sunday, May 24, 2020.
Faith, not sight. We trust in Christ Jesus, We trust resurrection, We trust in God's mercy. Faith, not sight will lead us to God, Will strengthen our souls, Will honor God's grace. Faith, not sight.
Sing along to Hymn No. 832, "My Lord of Light," for Ascension Sunday.
Hear Pastor Steve welcome us to worship today and read the Holy Gospel.
Listen to Acts 1: 1-11 as read by Michael Drews.
Listen to Michael, Jon, Scott, Rachel, Annika, and Erin sing Psalm 47!
A Special Memorial Day Prayer from LTC Chuck Gettig.
A Children's Message from Ms. Susan.
An Ascension Homily from Pastor Steve.
Sing along with Zion to the hymn "Lord, Be Glorified," Hymn No. 744.
Prayers & Benediction from Pastor Steve.
Sing along with Zion to the hymn "Come Away to the Skies," Hymn No. 669.
A postlude from David Chamberlin.
Supporting Zion - Thank you for your continued generosity. If you can, you may give to Zion by using our online giving system called Vanco, via PayPal, or via your bank's bill pay system. You can also mail us via the US Postal Mail at 1070 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108. Thank you! We all look forward to the day when we can raise our voices together again.
Follow along below or downloading the bulletin here.
Join Dara in a Spiritual Stretch to prepare for worship today....
Allow Pastor Steve and Vicar Lisa to welcome us to worship today and pray the Prayer of the Day....
Listen to Gambit sing "I Received the Living God"....
Listen to Thor read today's scripture....
Listen to Ms. Susan's Children's message for today....
Hear the Holy Gospel from John 14:15-21 read by the Faith Coaches....
Listen to a special message from Berkley for today's message....
Sing along with Berkley, Gambit, and Dara to 'You Are Mine"....
Read the Apostles' Creed with the Zion Community....
Hear the prayers for May 17, 2020, lifted up by the Faith Formation Disciples....
Listen to David send us off into the week with "Shine Jesus, Shine"....
Supporting Zion - Thank you for your continued generosity. If you can, you may give to Zion by using our online giving system called Vanco, via PayPal, or via your bank's bill pay system. You can also mail us via the US Postal Mail at 1070 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108. Thank you! We all look forward to the day when we can raise our voices together again.
Join Martha for a spiritual stretch to get ready for worship today.
Listen to Michael, Rachel, Scott, and Annika bring us into worship with "Be Not Afraid"
Sing along with the Zion congregation to "The Risen Christ."
Hear Pastor Steve welcome us to worship with a prayer and the reading of the Holy Gospel.
Hear David and Jan Chamberlin perform Psalm 31.
Hear Jaden read today's Scripture from 1 Peter.
Listen to a Children's Message from Ms. Susan.
Hear Pastor Steve's message for the day.
Sing along with Zion - "When Peace like a River (It Is Well with My Soul)"
Speak along with Zion's extra special Apostles' Creed.
Pray with Zion. Pray for Zion. Pray with the world. Pray for the world.
May the One who brought forth Jesus from the dead raise you to new life, fill you with hope, and turn your mourning into dancing. Almighty God, Father, + Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you now and forever. Amen.
Sing along with the Zion Community to "Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!" - our sending hymn for the week.
Listen to David Chamberlin perform "Fanfare" by Jacques Lemmens.
Join Rollie in a spiritual stretch to get ready for worship today.
Listen to Michael, Scott, and Jon call us to worship with a Zimbabwean Hallelujah.
Join Pastor Steve as he introduces worship today, shares the Holy Gospel, and prays the prayer of the day for Good Shepherd Sunday.
Hear Rachel, Erin, and Annika sing Psalm 23.
Listen to a Children's Message from Ms. Susan.
Hear a special musical message from Pastor Steve.
Pray with the people of Zion and the people of the world.
Sing along to the sending hymn for today, "Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing."
Listen to David Chamberlin's postlude for today.
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